SUN HD recorder

2:56:00 PM 0 Comments

Sun Direct DTH Re-Alignment Tips, Tricks, Details, Help

2:41:00 PM 0 Comments

Sun Direct DTH Re-Alignment Tips, Tricks, Details, Help 

Follow the following steps.

1.Step 1: Go to Menu and select “Installation” option.
2.Step 2: Select “Edit TP” and press OK on the remote.
3.Step 3: Press Green color key on the remote for adding “New TP”
4.Step 4: “New TP” pop up window display on the screen with
5.Step 5: Fill New Parameters and press ok to save
6.Step 6: Now you havo to adjust the dish antenna. I had attached the pictures. Follow those pictures to change the dish. Download the pictures since I named them as step1, step2, so on.
7.Step 7: Press Red color key on the remote for “Searching”
8.Step 8: After Scanning save,exit and watch our New channels on “New Satellite”